I think I have to accept
I will never be
Famous enough
To be a celebrity contestant
On Strictly Come Dancing.
I think I have to accept
I will never be
Archbishop of Canterbury,
I am an humble country Parson,
Becoming humbler everyday.
I think I must accept,
As I peruse cardigans in the sale,
I may never be
The radical Bohemian poet
Of my indolent adolescent imaginings.
I think I have to accept
I will never be
The fearless fighter pilot
Of my childhood dreams,
I remain decidedly earth bound.
I think I have to accept
As I sit upon this little hill,
I will never climb Mount Everest.
I may have over estimated
The heights to which I'd rise.
Could it be
As the years pass by
And the possibilities narrow
Not all our dreams
Are meant to be?
Could it be
Our unfulfilled dreams
Help shape our becoming
Who we really are,
And so serve a purpose?
Still, if by some unimaginable
Fluke of capricious fate
I become sufficiently famous
To be a celebrity contestant
On Strictly Come Dancing,
I know I'd definitely win.
